Genetic Testing offers diet, lifestyle, wellness, or supplement recommendations instead of traditional medications. If you are looking for a holistic approach to treatment, genetic testing is key! Genetic Testing helps us identifying genetic mutations that maybe the underlining cause to symptoms.
PRIMARY OFFICE: 620 Longmire Rd, Conroe, TX 77304
Zip Codes: 77320, 77340, 77831, 77873, 77830, 77358, 77331, 77378, 77328, 77303, 77318, 77356, 77868, 77363, 77304, 77301, 77316, 77354, 77375, 77379, 77373, 77302, 77382, 77381, 77380, 77389
Through standardized psychometric testing and clinical evaluation, help determine if there is an official formal mental health diagnosis or academic condition that needs specialized treatment or not. Testing helps your counselor, Primary Care Physician, Psychiatrist, work, school, or university.
Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluators can be an Expert Witness for the prosecution or the defense. Forensic mental health services usually means assisting individual who may suffer from a mental illness with evaluation and counseling prior to court or at the order of the court.
Professional counselors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to improve mental wellness; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavior change and optimal mental health.
Prevail Counseling and Forensic Mental Health Consulting, P.C. © 2013 All Rights Reserved